“When I am most afraid, I put my trust in you… ” (Psalm 56:3).
I feel compelled to blog tonight, so here goes. I want to always be able to remember how faithful the Lord has been to us and in effort to do that I feel like I should make sure to blog what is going on no matter how hard things may be or seem at the time. Last Friday I had a very small amount of spotting. Not a welcome sight at all. I immeadiately sent an email and text for reinforcements from my prayer warriors to cover this baby in prayer. It brought back so many memories of our miscarriage 2 years ago. I found myself scared at first then filled with trust that He is in control of all things and felt truly graced with His peace. I know that the experience of losing a baby has made me more grateful and intentional each day of my subsequent pregnancies (Abigail and now the new baby) to pray alot for them as they grow and develop. This baby in particular because I have not been as sick as I was with all three of my children, however I am still breastfeeding which some say can play into that role. Whatever the case, this is the verse that the Lord has given me. "When I am most afraid, I will put my trust in you..." I have had no further spotting and my blood work came back good so that is great. We will see our OBGYN in Cushing on friday to check on the little munchkin and see how they are doing. Today. Today I received word that some friends of ours that were 12 weeks pregnant went in for a routine prenatal visit and found out that their new baby was without a heartbeat. So devastating. They are devastated. I remember it so well. Tears of sadness just overwhelmed me for their loss and the fact that they still had to tell their two boys about the loss of the baby. I remember it so well. I remember the heartbreak but I also remember how God quieted our tears and rejoiced over us (Zeph 3:17). How he gave us grace, peace and mercy through the hardest of times. He is soo worthy of our trust and of our praise in all circumstances in our lives because He is constantly faithful! I am grieving for our friends loss. I am thankful to the Lord that He has given us a heart to minister to them that we never would have been able to experience if we hadn't have been through that before. Please join us in praying for this precious family as they draw near to Him and to each other in this difficult time as we all continue to trust in Him.