Friday, October 8, 2010

What's up with Claire Bear?

We had our twenty week ultrasound last week and it was so incredibly fun to see her moving around, sucking her thumb, and playing inside my womb. I couldn't help but praise God for such wonderful modern technology! Well we have been praying about and talking about a middle name for Miss Claire and we have decided that it will be Claire Isabel Cupp. Claire means clear and bright where Isabel means God is my promise. We pray that Claire would be a clear, bright shining light in the lives of those that she comes into contact with and that she may always share with others that God is our promise, that He is the way, the truth and the life. Her Daddy keeps calling her Claire Bear and thus the title of this post brings us to What is up with Claire Bear? She has grown a great deal in the last week and is close to 10" long and weighs about 13.5 oz. She is moving around more than ever! She is beginning to establish a sleeping and waking pattern throughout the day. She can now swallow, allowing her to absorb glucose and water from the amniotic fluid (which I was able to see on the ultrasound so clearly!). We are halfway there! Only 19 more weeks or less till we can meet this new little girl that God has gifted us with. This morning I came across this verse and it truly touched me as I thought about Claire. "From the fullness of grace we have received one blessing after another." John 1:6 Oh how God has blessed us and for this we are so very humbled and so very thankful!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

We used to call Blaire- Blaire Bear and have always filled her room and life with cute Teddy Bears. It's hard to believe my Baby Bear will complete her nursing Masters in Dec... time moves so quickly! Love your sweet family- enjoy!