Friday, September 19, 2008

Heading to Bible Conference....or not yet!

Starting today Dustin's residency program puts on a bible conference every year for the 2nd year residents and thier families at New Life Ranch. How awesome is that....Dustin's residency pays for us to be on "vacation" a week long with lodging and food and feeds us throughout the week with the word of God! Yesterday when he came home from academic afternoon he told me that they were specifically praying against Satan using illness and other circumstances to keep people away from the conference. It seems every year people get sick just about the time of the conference. So Andrew started having diarea yesterday...he was not acting sick just diarea...alot. And last night Dustin came down with it. Although Dustin has the throwing up & is horrible...he feels so bad. I feel so very sorry for him. I continued to pray this morning and pack all of our things to leave this morning for bible conference, went to the store for medicine for Dust and came home to find him not doing well. He had already decided to call Dr. Duinick and let him know that it may be tomarrow before we can come. Andrew still has diarea but he is acting like he is fine...Carson is totally upset he is ready to go on "Camp Jesus Vacation". I am praying that God will heal Dustin and Andrew that He might supernaturally help us make it to bible conference tonight.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That EXACT same thing happened to us last year. I came down with vomiting and Maryn had diarrhea. We were a day late. makes me mad!!! Praying for quick recoveries!!!