Saturday, September 27, 2008

Adios Fiesta For our Dear Tumlison Friends

Friday, September 26th we hosted a Potluck Fiesta in honor of our good friends the Tumlisons! What a wonderful time of fellowship and prayer as we rejoiced with them in what God is doing in thier lives and thier obedience to go where God is leading them, Honduras. We will soo miss them. I really thought that I would be so sad but I find myself rejoicing in the wonderful journey that God has laid before them. I am excited to hear all the great and mighty things that they will accomplish for the Lord in Honduras. What a wonderful celebration of friends that came to share in this special night with us. I know that we had 14 kidos at one time......and two in utero! It was a loud home full of love and fellowship to the max! What Fun! We are praying that God willing we will be able to visit the Tumlison's in Honduras next year. Please join us in praying for this precious family as they join the mission field to further His kingdom and His glory!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Camp Jesus

The boys sure enjoyed Camp Jesus, otherwise known as Bible Conference this past week. As you can tell from the pics they had a wonderful time playing with thier friends!
Carson made a special friend in Sarah, they

were inseperable. It was so fun to see them play
and run after each other. The boys got to ride
horses, ride in a canoe and feed the fish.

The boys loved feeding the fish...well Carson loved feeding the fish. Andrew actually loved throwing rocks at the fish and scaring them...Go figure! He is a crazy little bundle of mischief!
Bible conference was a really neat time to get to fellowship with our classmates and spend time worshiping and listening to lectures about our awesome God!

I just love this picture to the right...the little ones praising
the Lord! What truly precious children of God! Here are a
few things that God spoke to me about during bible conference:

1- Decisions Determine Destiny.

2- Unrighteousness is not valueing God for what He is.

3- God's graciousness...I loved the picture of God having such graciousness after the fall to clothe Adam and Eve not only with skin but with the blood of Christ. What a beautiful picture!

4- We are in the family business of redeeming humanity.

5-God's decision to give us a FREE WILL is truly the cornerstone of True Love. This really hit me because we had a student last year in our sunday school class that was very convinced that if God really loved us and wanted us to be with Him that he would have made us "robotic" like and not given us a Free Will to choose or disobey....what a wonderful picture of True Love that our heavenly father has for us....that he would not only create us in His image, send Jesus to die for our sins, but also that He would give us the choice to choose Him as Lord and Savior of our lives...

6- People live in defeat because they do not realize who they are in Christ.

7- The will of God is the same for all comes from His word...we will know his will if we know his word. The work of God is specific to each individual person and what God has planned for them to further His glory.

8- Determine yourself to be good soil...

9- We are set apart by the truth. "Sanctify them by the truth. your word is truth." John 17:17

Friday, September 19, 2008

Heading to Bible Conference....or not yet!

Starting today Dustin's residency program puts on a bible conference every year for the 2nd year residents and thier families at New Life Ranch. How awesome is that....Dustin's residency pays for us to be on "vacation" a week long with lodging and food and feeds us throughout the week with the word of God! Yesterday when he came home from academic afternoon he told me that they were specifically praying against Satan using illness and other circumstances to keep people away from the conference. It seems every year people get sick just about the time of the conference. So Andrew started having diarea yesterday...he was not acting sick just diarea...alot. And last night Dustin came down with it. Although Dustin has the throwing up & is horrible...he feels so bad. I feel so very sorry for him. I continued to pray this morning and pack all of our things to leave this morning for bible conference, went to the store for medicine for Dust and came home to find him not doing well. He had already decided to call Dr. Duinick and let him know that it may be tomarrow before we can come. Andrew still has diarea but he is acting like he is fine...Carson is totally upset he is ready to go on "Camp Jesus Vacation". I am praying that God will heal Dustin and Andrew that He might supernaturally help us make it to bible conference tonight.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Girls of Grace: South Tulsa Baptist Church Girls Ministry

Girls of Grace is the new girls ministry at our church, South Tulsa Baptist Church. God put this on my heart back in November of 2007 and I have been praying for God to raise up some strong leaders in the youth to lead. He sure provided this summer during Super Summer at OBU. We quickly began meeting and praying together over this minsitry and what God would want us to do. The girls really were seeing a need for mentoring, accountability and fellowship within the youth group. We had our kickoff on October 8th and God provided 18 girls for the bible study!
We are currently doing a wonderful study workbook by Vicky Courtney called HisGirl. I am so proud of these girls...they are truly precious daughters of the King. On the 15th we met and one of the girls that God has called to lead in this group taught....what a blessing to see these girls ministering to one another! Truly what great plans he has in store for this ministry as we seek to know Him more and make Him Known!

Playing at the Park

Okay so I figured out how to put my pics with my blogs....hooray! Their are more pics below... It was such a beautiful day yesterday the boys and I walked to the park to play. Well actually started "scooting" on his scooter however it didn't take very long before his legs were tired! We found a worm on our walk and the boys were so captivated by how it wiggled. The butterflies are everywhere. Andrew loves to find all the ORANGE ones :) Aunt Ang, K.K & Will got Carson a butterfly habitat for his birthday and a couple of weeks ago we got our larva and watched with great anticipation as the caterpillars turned into butterflies. The boys thought that was really fun. The best part was letting them go in our flower bed so they could chase them all around the front yard. I think a few are still coming back to feed on our flowers....even daring the wrath of the Cupp Brothers....brave butterflies! Today I am a little overwelmed at all I have to do before we go to bible conference on Friday...if you could only see our laundry....yuck! Dustin has been so patient with me as I have been not feeling well and have no desire or energy to clean and do so many little things around the home....he has been helping so much. I am so thankful for him and pray that I will be feeling better and more energized in the weeks ahead. Today I was reading and reflecting on the Lord's mercies. I love ready the psalms and the songs that jump off the pages....Psalm 103
Bless the Lord, O my Soul
And all this is within me, bless His holy name!
Bless the Lord, O my Soul
And forget not his benefits:
Who FORGIVES all your iniquities
Who HEALS all your diseases
Who REDEEMS your life from destruction
Who CROWNS you with lovingkindness and tender mercies
Who SATISFIES your mouth with good things
So that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

REDEEMED, REDEEMED, REDEEMED by the Blood of the Lamb! I loved the picture of God crowning us with lovingkindness and tender mercies because I experienced so much of this in the past year. Truly what an awesome God we serve! He forgives, heals, redeems, crowns and satisfies us and renews our strength like wings on eagles....oh how I need that strength today!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hi! I am creating this post so that I will be able to remember things because I am only about 3 years behind on my scrapbook! Ha! And I am finding that my memory is not good and getting worse as I grow older! Go figure. I also have loved many of my dear friends blogs in that I can see what God is doing in thier lives at 1 am in the morning by simply clicking on thier blog. So maybe you might also be interested in what God is doing in The Cupp Crew. Today I am filled with thankfulness. We had an ultrasound yesterday of the new baby and it was such a blessing to see it moving and kicking around inside my womb. To see its sweet little heartbeat flickering away on the screen. It was the first time that Dustin and I got to see this new little Cupp baby that God has intrusted to us. Amazing...I am so thankful today of God's goodness. Carson and Andrew have been so cute in talking about the baby lately. Carson would like it to be a little boy like Will...and he wants to name him Tomatoe. I am unsure as to where this came from :) Tomatoe Cupp....huh...Andrew says he would like a girl and would like to name her ORANGE...go figure. Andrew's world is orange these days. Often times I am getting sick and having to throw up and it is so sweet to hear Carson say, "Not again!" That is exactly how I feel :) He says Mommy why does the baby make you sooo sick? When is the baby coming to Carson's house? Andrew and Carson bought the baby a pony that plays music and now Andrew is sleeping with it at night just until the baby comes he says. They are so fun these days. Yesterday we cleaned out thier clothes in thier room...its time for FALL!! Hooray! It is allways so sad to me to pack up and get out the next size bigger clothes for Andrew. They are growing so quickly! They got new pj's yesterday that they were super proud of. (pictured below). I am so thankful for my little monkeys!

About Us!

Okay so I origionally put this in the About us area....however it told me there was too many words. Go figure! :) Oh My About us.....WOW! Well Dustin and I met when we were in the 9th grade and started dating in the 10th grade. As a side note, We now teach the 10th grade girls and boys Sunday School Class at Church and frequently tease the kids that they may be sitting next to the one that God created specifically for them! That really gets them grossed out...and quickly! We graduated from Putnam City North High School and went to spend a year at OBU in Shawnee and then transfered to OSU in Stillwater. We were married May 12, 2000! Two 20 year old kids not possibly knowing what God would have in store for our future. Dustin graduated from OSU and we moved to Tulsa, OK in 2003 so he could attend OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine. In June of 2004, God blessed us with Carson Wayne Cupp. Truly, changed our lives forever! Carson is a sensitive little spirit. He loves to laugh and play but he sure likes things His way! Just before celebrating Carson's first birthday we found out that again God has blessed us with another baby on the way! In March of 2006 Andrew Maddox Cupp joined the Cupp Crew. Andrew is our easy going, always "bopping" little cutie patootie. He is such a sweet little mess pot who is always into something that he is not sapossed to be in and who is well equipped to smooth over any wrong he has committed that often times leaves us laughing. After Andrew was born we began to pray for something that I could do to provide a little extra income for us with two kids and a husband in medical school. Thus, God answered, with the creation of Deo Volente Designs and The Modest Mommy Nursing Cover. Such a simple product that God has used in such a might way. In the very begining we felt called to give 20% of the profit from the business to the Lottie Moon Foreign Missions offering to help fund missionaries who are spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world. What started out as me sewing at naptime has flourished into a very busy business. We have now sold over 7,000 nursing covers and are in about 100 boutiques and gift shops nationwide! Truly what an awesome God we serve that He would bless us so very much with this business and use it to further His glory! In May of 2007 Dustin graduated OSU College of Osteopathic Medicine and began his residency at In His Image Family Medicine Residency Program. We have been so blessed through this program to meet such wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ. God has been teaching us so much in the past couple of years as we have truly strived to walk with Him and live as living sacrifices to Him everyday. God has called us into rural medicine where we can use medicine and ministry to impact our community for Christ in a great way. We are looking forward to seeing what all that intails in the years to come. In December of 2007 we found out that God had blessed us once again with a new baby. Carson and Andrew were going to be big brothers! We were so very excited about this new baby. In January, however, we had a miscarriage and our little baby went to be with Jesus. This was a really heartbreaking time for us as we grieved for this baby that was due to join our family around Ausust 28, 2008. We learned so much through this hard time. God conforted us with His love time and time again. What is amazing to me is how much we grew together as a family in the Lord and now how he has used that trial as we minister to others who are going through the same circumstances. He is so faithful! On the exact day that we were due with sweet baby number three Dustin did an ultrasound and found that yet again God has blessed us by placing another baby in my womb. Truly, we are so unworthy of his love and compassion for us! Truly what an awesome God we serve---He is a God of perfect timing! This baby is truly the promise of God placed by Him so perfectly into our family. We are so thrilled and excited to meet this new little Cupp in late April 2009......