Friday, September 26, 2008

Camp Jesus

The boys sure enjoyed Camp Jesus, otherwise known as Bible Conference this past week. As you can tell from the pics they had a wonderful time playing with thier friends!
Carson made a special friend in Sarah, they

were inseperable. It was so fun to see them play
and run after each other. The boys got to ride
horses, ride in a canoe and feed the fish.

The boys loved feeding the fish...well Carson loved feeding the fish. Andrew actually loved throwing rocks at the fish and scaring them...Go figure! He is a crazy little bundle of mischief!
Bible conference was a really neat time to get to fellowship with our classmates and spend time worshiping and listening to lectures about our awesome God!

I just love this picture to the right...the little ones praising
the Lord! What truly precious children of God! Here are a
few things that God spoke to me about during bible conference:

1- Decisions Determine Destiny.

2- Unrighteousness is not valueing God for what He is.

3- God's graciousness...I loved the picture of God having such graciousness after the fall to clothe Adam and Eve not only with skin but with the blood of Christ. What a beautiful picture!

4- We are in the family business of redeeming humanity.

5-God's decision to give us a FREE WILL is truly the cornerstone of True Love. This really hit me because we had a student last year in our sunday school class that was very convinced that if God really loved us and wanted us to be with Him that he would have made us "robotic" like and not given us a Free Will to choose or disobey....what a wonderful picture of True Love that our heavenly father has for us....that he would not only create us in His image, send Jesus to die for our sins, but also that He would give us the choice to choose Him as Lord and Savior of our lives...

6- People live in defeat because they do not realize who they are in Christ.

7- The will of God is the same for all comes from His word...we will know his will if we know his word. The work of God is specific to each individual person and what God has planned for them to further His glory.

8- Determine yourself to be good soil...

9- We are set apart by the truth. "Sanctify them by the truth. your word is truth." John 17:17

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