Our little angel is 6 weeks old! It is hard to believe. She is growing and getting chubby little thighs and cheeks. She is very much like Carson as a baby...not very content.

This little face....believe it! She is only content when she is held, bounced, or rocked but she will not be put down at any time if her eyes are still open! She is a mess pot, but an adorable little mess pot that we wouldn't trade for anything! Getting the housework done is a little impossible right now...I forgot how much longer it takes to do things when you only have one arm to operate on. I am overwhelmed at times at the things I need to do and yet the Lord is reminding me through Claire time and time again to slow down and just enjoy.
Enjoy my monkeys for they are growing so fast and this time now is so precious!

Here they came when they heard me taking pictures of their little sister.
Oh how they
looove Claire!
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