Saturday, January 15, 2011

Time Flies when you are having fun!

So January is half way over and I am just now getting a chance to update the blog! We have been having a fun time this holiday season and this Momma is realizing that I have not been doing a very good job taking pictures again or keeping this updated. Time is flying by, but we are having such a fun time! Three weeks until Claire Isabel will be! I can't believe it. The boys are doing great and settling back into their school routine. Carson is doing a great job this semester practicing his piano. He did have his first piano recital shortly before Christmas but I forgot the! He did a great job playing Jingle Bells. He is Ms. Holly's youngest student this year. I have been encouraging him and working together with him for 20 minutes every day to work on his is amazing the progress he is making! This past Friday he and his school did a "Get Fit" dance at halftime of the varsity girls' basketball game. Oh my stars...what a fun time we had watching Carson "shake his groove thing" and then getting down to "peanut butter jelly, peanut butter jelly, baseball bat"...not completely sure about the second song and its lyrics but it was fun to watch. Andrew is doing very well at school. In fact he brought home an outstanding report card where most things were checked "outstanding skill displayed". I have asked Andrew to bring some of his paying attention and following directions "outstanding skills" home with him. :) He is doing a fantastic job writing his name and letters! We are so proud. He really likes school. We are continuing to have our bible heroes devotional time before school everyday. It is a special time where we can talk about a bible hero and challenge the boys to display those qualities at school. We have been praying alot for a couple of their friends families that have had some illnesses and medical issues. One morning while praying for one of Carson's friend's Dad Carson told me..."Oh, Mom I talked to Caden and he said God healed his Daddy's eyes so we don't have to pray anymore for that."...I love that Carson has shared with his friend at school that we have been praying for his Daddy...6 year-olds talking about God's healing power! God is working and drawing the boys to himself in a very special way as we continue to share His love and truth with them and pray salvation over them. Abigail is just a toot. She is fun. I am finding that I am really enjoying spending the days with her and taking advantage of our time before Claire gets here. She still loves her "Bwanky" but is able to go to church now without it which is super. We did get her potty down from the attic and she has been very interested in it and loves to sit on it when I have to go potty every hour and a half but I am thinking it would be best to wait to try to accomplish potty training her before Claire gets here. Three weeks. I am ready to have Claire here and not in my belly any longer. Everything seems so much more difficult to accomplish and I have such lack of motivation to do any of it at times. God is giving me grace for each day. We are so blessed, for this I am so grateful to the Lord! I hope and pray that you are doing well and growing in the Lord! May 2011 be your most fruitful year yet!
Love, Amanda & The Cupp Crew

P.S. I forgot to mention I am on a silly cupcake quest. I am on the hunt for the best homemade cupcake recipes since we are about 45 miles from a good cake bakery now....yes, I know....Craziness with a capitol C! This could very well be pregnancy induced craziness but having cupcakes every night is actually quite fun! You can check out the blog if you would like at

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