"We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
Happy Valentine's Day! This morning the kidos woke up an had a Valentine's Day Card and goodies at the table waiting for them! Andrew got a pair on new orange boots! Carson got an OSU t-shirt and jacket and Abigail got a cute puppy that talks and flaps its ears! What a fun day! This is a special day for Dustin and I too! 15 years ago today a scared, young boy brought me a rose and asked me to go on a date....our journey officially began...I can not believe it has been 15 years! I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and for the most awesome plans the Lord put into place today 15 years ago! My cup is overfloweth with the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us time and time again!
Happy Valentine's Day! This morning the kidos woke up an had a Valentine's Day Card and goodies at the table waiting for them! Andrew got a pair on new orange boots! Carson got an OSU t-shirt and jacket and Abigail got a cute puppy that talks and flaps its ears! What a fun day! This is a special day for Dustin and I too! 15 years ago today a scared, young boy brought me a rose and asked me to go on a date....our journey officially began...I can not believe it has been 15 years! I am so thankful for my wonderful husband and for the most awesome plans the Lord put into place today 15 years ago! My cup is overfloweth with the blessings the Lord has bestowed upon us time and time again!
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