Monday, February 11, 2013


Today I am meeting with Margie, our realtor, to talk about and pray over renegotiating a longer period to rent our home in Morehead until our home in Cushing sells. It is a day that we really thought would not come. We truly believed the Lord would bring a buyer before the deadline but we are still waiting on the Lord. He continues to be faithful. I just wanted to write down a few things the Lord gave me this morning in my time with Him. The sun is shining and beautiful today out my window in the office as I type this. It truly is a beautiful morning. I am doing a study called "A Woman's walk with God: Growing in the fruit of the Spirit." by Elizabeth George and it has been so very good and applicable to what the Lord is showing me and desiring to grow in me in this season. A few things this morning He reminded me was about Hannah and how persistent in prayer she was. Year after year going to the temple. Her prayer for a child constantly on her heart and on her lips. She asked and she kept on asking. This was a great reminder to me. Okay, Lord you told us you would take care of this and so we will keep asking, trusting, pleading with you to bring the right buyer. Hannah's faith was rewarded with an answer to her prayer. I was reading in Psalms this morning and these verses really spoke to me. 81:10 says, "I am the Lord your God...Open your mouth wide and I will fill it." 85:4 "Blessed are those who dwell in Your house, They will still be praising You." I find this so true. It would be easy to get worried and caught up in the situation of renegotiating. We don't know how the owner will respond. We do know that he is not a believer and is controlled largely by money. His integrity and word have not been solid. It would be easy for us to be concerned but as we lean into the Lord and continue to trust in Him and spend time with him through this rough patch we find just like the psalmist that no matter the yuckiness going on, we can still dwell in His house and spend time with Him...and the most amazing thing happens...we are still praising Him even through the storm. Our eyes are more easily focused on Him if we are dwelling...constantly abiding in Him. Psalm 85:11 says "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give you grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly." What a great truth and promise that He will be our sun. He will be our shield. He will give us grace and glory. He will not withhold any good thing if we walk faithfully and obediently with Him. It reminds me of the verse He gave me when we finally knew He was desiring for us to move to Kentucky. Isaiah 1:19 "If you are willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land." We are willing Lord. We are striving to be obedient in following after you hard. We will continue to persistently ask and believe that you will prove yourself most faithful in your perfect timing.

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